Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Welcome to your work blog!

    Here you will be able to create, edit and receive feedback on pieces of work that you will complete as part of English. You will be able to use this as a way to develop your writing and thinking outside of class. Everything that you publish here publicly can be seen by anyone with access…

  • The Casual Use Of Racism, Is It Acceptable??-unfinished

    These past few days Mr Waugh has had numerous conversations with my class, because he (on a number of occasions) has witnessed this racism, i.e. when Benn and Tyler have their jokes, Benn (who is white) will call Tyler ‘shadowman’, ‘darkboy’ etc. because he is black, whereas Tyler will call Benn ‘garlic sauce’ ‘ghost’ etc.…

  • Draw B; Debate Speech; Moot: “The UN was right to stay out of the Rwandan conflict”- Affirmative

    [Potential Rebuttle] Your team has displayed nothing but expedience in your speeches and I am going to put these points to rest. The UN had every right to stay out of the conflict, as it would have made things made worse. To further my point, the UN is a PEACEKEEPING society. Peacekeeping means you prevent wars…

  • Film Review: The Castle of Cagliostro

    Studio Ghibli’s animation The Castle of Cagliostro is about an international thief who revisits a previously failed challenge. While he plans his advance, he falls in love with the princess and heir to the throne of the shady nation Cagliostro. The thief, named Lupin or ”Wolf” is entering Cagliostro with his attack plan of closing…

  • Book Review: Twilight: Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

    Having seen the film and liking it, I decided to read the novel. I am highly impressed because reading this book fully submerges me in the story with feelings and emotions that are highly relatable, also battles that are fast paced and gripping. The story is about a young adolescent female called Bella and her…

  • Romeo and Juliet Fate/GOD calls.

    In the play Romeo  and Juliet they portrays God, or, Fate, as the controller of events throughout the play, as Shakespeare is catholic himself, so he will (by  faith) put God into his plays. The first point is that Shakespeare uses metaphorical terms to support his portrayal of God, i.e ”He who hath the steerage…

  • Romeo and Juliet Fate Call

    I think it was God that controlled the events because both of the lovers had their tough times and had come through better times, and Romeo said himself that God has his fate ‘hanging in the stars’.

  • Revision for the W.Shakespeare ESSAY

    Q: How did Shakespeare maintain the audiences interest and develop the idea of God in his play Romeo and Juliet? A: Personally, I think that it was the twists and changes in the plot that maintained the attention, e.g.; the priest being stuck in a town with a quarantine due to an illness. Q: Do you…

  • The 4 Differences

    1. The film has been modernized. 2. Instead of swords and rapiers it is guns and knives. 3. Time passes according to mood of the moment. 4. People like Apothecary have been adapted to nowadays; he went from a potion-maker to a drug-dealer-esqe figure.

  • 2nd quotation of Fate by Romeo

    ROMEO I fear, too early: for my mind misgives Some consequence yet hanging in the stars Shall bitterly begin his fearful date With this night’s revels and expire the term Of a despised life closed in my breast By some vile forfeit of untimely death. Just before Romeo heads over to the Capulet ball, where…

Got any book recommendations?